So I am embarking on a journey to create or expand a third state of mind of parenting. I think it is just called being an engaged parent, or playing with your child. Perhaps it shouldn't be so hard, but most days it is, because I do not want to do the things that my toddler and baby want to do all day. I do not think reading Dora over and over again is entertainment, nor do I want to sit on the couch and hold and breastfeed my baby all day. I think every parent has an age that they most enjoy, and that is when they most enjoy parenting. I do not think that age for me is less than 4. But really I am looking to do more than just play with her, or have her "help" me with my chores. I do that all the time. I put aside whatever I am doing and build blocks that she knocks over, or give her a butter knife to cut up veggies with me. I want to find a way to participate in an activity that we are both enjoying, that we both value, and that we both get something out of.
Today seemed like as good a day as any to engage in this sort of play. At the beach Yemaya and I played together making fairy houses and gardens. During one of those bored moments of parenting I joined pinterest where I somehow came across some pictures of fairy gardens, and realized it was something we could do and enjoy together.